People Don't See the Weight
  "I felt so isolated and embarrassed about what I had gotten myself in. But I did not know how to talk to people about it and I was mortified for anyone to know."
 Left to Right:   "Everyone says that you have STDs and that you're a slut."    "Abuse is a terrible torch passed from generation to generation, and it is only extinguished gradually in each heart by soothing waves of intentional healing."    "My fat
 Left to Right:  " I want to tie you up and keep you."    "It's a privilege to give me a blow job."    "Take me home please, when can I go home? He told me he would take me home after we had sex."
  "No one will ever believe you because you're a liar."
People Don't See the Weight
People Don't See the Weight

As a rape survivor, I have struggled with depression and PTSD. For my thesis project I conducted interviews with fifteen rape and sexual abuse survivors. I created a metal object for each contributor, which convey the secretiveness of sexual violence. The outer surface of each piece appears ordinary, while the inside, reveals distress. This work is displayed on a table to encourage viewers to interact with the pieces. Behind the table, letterpressed quotes from each participant hang on the wall. My responsibility as an artist is to create an outlet for survivors to be heard.

 Mixed Media


  "I felt so isolated and embarrassed about what I had gotten myself in. But I did not know how to talk to people about it and I was mortified for anyone to know."

"I felt so isolated and embarrassed about what I had gotten myself in. But I did not know how to talk to people about it and I was mortified for anyone to know."

 Left to Right:   "Everyone says that you have STDs and that you're a slut."    "Abuse is a terrible torch passed from generation to generation, and it is only extinguished gradually in each heart by soothing waves of intentional healing."    "My fat

Left to Right:

"Everyone says that you have STDs and that you're a slut."

"Abuse is a terrible torch passed from generation to generation, and it is only extinguished gradually in each heart by soothing waves of intentional healing."

"My father told me to sit on his face."

 Left to Right:  " I want to tie you up and keep you."    "It's a privilege to give me a blow job."    "Take me home please, when can I go home? He told me he would take me home after we had sex."

Left to Right:

"I want to tie you up and keep you."

"It's a privilege to give me a blow job."

"Take me home please, when can I go home? He told me he would take me home after we had sex."

  "No one will ever believe you because you're a liar."

"No one will ever believe you because you're a liar."